All are welcome to worship with us in person or virtually through our Facebook Group.
Here's what you can expect in person:
Our church is a welcoming space, where you can feel at ease whether you're dressed in your Sunday best or in boots and blue jeans. We value your presence above all else.
Worship usually lasts for an hour, and afterward, we gather in Fellowship Hall to catch up and share a bite to eat.
We celebrate communion/The Lord's Supper on the first Sunday of the month, and our table is open to all "who come in faith, repentance, and love. All who come to the table are offered the bread and cup, regardless of their age or understanding." (Book of Order W-3.04)
The structure of worship is centered around the Word. We prepare ourselves to hear God's Word, listen to and interpret God's Word for our lives, and be sealed in and sent by God's Word into the world to serve Christ.
We sing from the Glory to God Presbyterian hymnal with piano accompaniment. The hymn selections are a blend of traditional hymns, gospel songs, new hymns, and contemporary praise songs.
Listening assistance devices are available for the hard of hearing.
Children (and all their wiggles) are welcome and encouraged to participate in worship as part of the congregation. Each worship service features a children’s sermon, during which children are invited to the front for a special time geared toward younger disciples. We are enriched by the presence of God's family in all its unique shapes, sizes, and histories.
To join virtually:
- Log into Facebook and click on Pipe Creek Presbyterian Church Group *
- Click on the live video that begins streaming at ~10:25 am
- Make your presence known in the comments so we can greet you in the name of Jesus Christ!*You can request access to the group and we will admit you in time for worship to start!
God brings all things into being by the Word. God offers the Word of grace, and people respond to that divine initiative through the language of worship. They call God by name, invoke God’s presence, beseech God in prayer, and stand before God in silence and contemplation. They bow before God, lift hands and voices in praise, sing, make music, and dance. Heart, soul, strength, and mind, with one accord, they join in the language, drama, and pageantry of worship.
(Excerpt from The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church USA, Part II: Book of Order)